Rusnita Saleh's Works

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Project Plan - December 2005

Information System Development and collection building for Resources Center (local government post).

This proposal is to support establishment of Information/Resource Centers in districts to promote dissemination of public information.

Specific objectives:

What will information centers do?

Disseminate public information

Activities to support establishment and functioning Information/Resource Center:

To fulfill above mentioned objectives the following activities will be undertaken:

First steps to keep the purpose plan run in efficient and effective manner:

For information system dbase and framework: Set local knowledge and information needs assessment to build scenario for knowledge/information sharing in term knowledge accumulation and creation anticipation to preferred alternative which is closed to elusive alternative (long-term goal).

For collection building: Identify local knowledge/traditional knowledge which include traditional institution, traditional technology, educational institution, religious institution, grass-root initiatives and institution, local political institution, local business etc.

Posted by upay |

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